Monday, May 12, 2008

3 references and thesis statement

"Cheating in school: how common is it?". Current Events. Feb 20, 1995. 12 May. 2008.

"Cheating in school: how common is it?". Current Events. Feb 20, 1995. 12 May. 2008.

Lathrop, Ann. Student cheating and plagarism in the Internet era: a wake- up call. 2000. A Division of Greenwood publishing Group, Inc. Copyright 2000 Libraries Unlimited.

Thesis Statement:

How do students cheat? We know many students do, but the question is where do they get the information to cheat. In a recent survey, it is showing that sixty- seven percent have copied other students and forty percent cheated on tests and twenty-five percent have used plot summaries so they did not have to read a assigned book.

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